Sunday, March 14, 2010

Possible Interface

I have been developing multi-touch patches between OSCimote and SC over the past few weeks and playing with how they could potentially be used in my compositions. I pre-ordered an iPad and funds depending am hoping I may be able to use this device with the patches I have developed to interact with my streams of radio in real-time.

The current interface idea is the touchpad (iPad, though I want to stay away from this being simply a gimmick that defaces the meaning behind the piece), a 4-channel mixer running four separate radios (ideally tuned by a digital line to SC using an arduino), which are being routed through two delay lines and stores in buffers, allowing each radio to have 3 separate feeds, namely one in real-time, one from 5 minutes earlier, and one from 10 minutes earlier. This would allow more flexibility on my part with material.

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